Everglades Tarpon Fishing — LEE GUIDE CO.


The Everglades is one of the best places in the world to catch a tarpon. Watching a tarpon eat your fly and come jumping out of the water is one of the most exciting things in all outdoor sports.

When the water temperature rises above 72 degrees and the wind lays down, it seems like the tarpon show up out of nowhere. They first appear offshore and then make their way to our inshore waters, swimming the nearshore banks when seeking a place to feed and rest as they make their annual migration up the coast. April - June is considered the peak of our tarpon season, but tarpon can be found in many sizes most months of the year.

We prefer to target tarpon with flies while they are swimming the shallows, laying up in the bays, or rolling in the tidal currents. Quick and accurate casts are usually needed to properly present the fly and entice a tarpon to bite. Tarpon will test your game and your tackle. Catching a tarpon on fly is truly a life changing experience.